Candidate Ballot Access Information
President and Vice President (Presidential Electors)
- Affidavit of Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates. This form must be personally executed by the presidential and vice presidential candidates in the presence of a notary or BOE staff. It may not be signed by anyone else.
- Affidavit of Presidential Elector Candidate. This form must be signed by each candidate for presidential elector in the presence of a notary or BOE staff. It may not be signed by anyone else.
- Declaration of Candidacy. Form needed to “declare” yourself for each candidate for presidential elector. The Declaration must be signed by the candidate for presidential elector in the presence of a notary or BOE staff. It may not be signed by anyone else. (Alternatively, you may print and complete the PDF Version of this form.)
- Receipt of Ballot Access Documents. Upon receiving certain Ballot Access documents from BOE (i.e. Petition Pages, Official Calendar) a candidate will be given a receipt in which they will certify having received the documents checked on the form. A candidate will also be asked to certify, to the best of their knowledge, that all information on the Petition Pages is true and correct. If the candidate (or their designee) picks up in person, this receipt can be completed while they are in the BOE office. If they choose to pick up via email, this form needs to be completed and sent to the BOE, along with the Affidavit of Presidential Nominee Candidate, in order for the candidate to receive their petitions. Candidates can review the documents outlined in the section below titled, “Other Forms & Additional Information” to review what items they should check off on the form. Once both documents are received, the BOE will respond via email to acknowledge receipt and provide the petitions.
- Receipt for Completed Ballot Access Documents. Upon receiving a nominating petition containing the legally required number of valid signatures, the BOE Official will provide the candidate with a receipt acknowledging that the petition was received.
To hold the office of President, an individual must meet the following qualifications, as defined in the United States Constitution (Article 2, Section 1):
- Be at least 35 years of age.
- Be a natural born United States citizen and resident for 14 years.
General Election Minimum Signature Requirements: Minor party (a party other than the Republican Democratic, or DC Statehood Green parties) and independent candidates for President and Vice President may achieve ballot access through the submission of a petition that identifies both the candidates and the three electors supporting those candidates. The signature requirement is of 1% of the total number of duly registered electors in the District of Columbia [D.C. Official Code § 1-1001.08(f); 3 DCMR § 1503.1]
Delegate to the House of Representatives from the District of Columbia
- Declaration of Candidacy. Form needed to “declare” yourself as a candidate for a particular office. The candidate’s name will appear on the ballot as it appears on the Declaration of Candidacy pursuant to Title 3 DCMR § 1203. The Declaration must be signed by the candidate in the presence of a notary or BOE staff. It may not be signed by anyone else. All candidates for public and party offices must file a Declaration of Candidacy in order to be issued their petitions. (Alternatively, you may print and complete the PDF Version of this form.)
- Receipt of Ballot Access Documents. Upon receiving certain Ballot Access documents from BOE (i.e. Petition Pages, Official Calendar) a candidate will be given a receipt in which they will certify having received the documents checked on the form. A candidate will also be asked to certify, to the best of their knowledge, that all information on the Petition Pages is true and correct. If the candidate (or their designee) picks up in person, this receipt can be completed while they are in the BOE office. If they choose to pick up via email, this form needs to be completed and sent to the BOE for the candidate to receive their petitions along with the Declaration of Candidacy. Candidates can review the documents outlined in the section below titled, “Other Forms & Additional Information” to review what items they should check off on the form. Once both documents are received, the BOE will respond via email to acknowledge receipt and provide the petitions.
- Receipt for Completed Ballot Access Documents. Upon the Board receiving completed Ballot Access documents from the candidate (i.e. a nominating petition containing the legally required number of valid signatures) the BOE Official will provide the candidate with a receipt acknowledging that those documents were received by BOE.
DELEGATE TO THE U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (§ 1-401. Delegate to the House of Representatives from the District of Columbia.)
The Delegate is a non-voting member of the House of Representatives. While unable to vote in the full House, the Delegate may vote in the Committee of the Whole and other committees of which they are a member. The Delegate is elected to a two year term every election year.
§ 1-401 (b)(1) No individual may hold the Office of Delegate to the House of Representatives from the District of Columbia unless on the date of his election:
(A) He is a qualified elector (as that term is defined in § 1-1001.02(2)) of the District of Columbia;
(B) He is at least 25 years of age;
(C) He holds no other paid public office; and
(D) He has resided in the District of Columbia continuously since the beginning of the 3-year period ending on such date.
(2) He shall forfeit his office upon failure to maintain the qualifications required by this subsection.
- Primary Election Minimum Signature Requirements: 2,000 signatures or 1% (whichever is less) of duly registered voters in the same party as the candidate.
- General Election Minimum Signature Requirements: 3,000 signatures or 1.5% (whichever is less) of duly registered voters.
Note: Must be a US Citizen to run for and hold this office (§ 1-1001.02(2)(B), (34)).
Mayor of the District of Columbia
- Declaration of Candidacy. Form needed to “declare” yourself as a candidate for a particular office. The candidate’s name will appear on the ballot as it appears on the Declaration of Candidacy pursuant to Title 3 DCMR § 1203. The Declaration must be signed by the candidate in the presence of a notary or BOE staff. It may not be signed by anyone else. All candidates for public and party offices must file a Declaration of Candidacy in order to be issued their petitions. (Alternatively, you may print and complete the PDF Version of this form.)
- Receipt of Ballot Access Documents. Upon receiving certain Ballot Access documents from BOE (i.e. Petition Pages, Official Calendar) a candidate will be given a receipt in which they will certify having received the documents checked on the form. A candidate will also be asked to certify, to the best of their knowledge, that all information on the Petition Pages is true and correct. If the candidate (or their designee) picks up in person, this receipt can be completed while they are in the BOE office. If they choose to pick up via email, this form needs to be completed and sent to the BOE for the candidate to receive their petitions along with the Declaration of Candidacy. Candidates can review the documents outlined in the section below titled, “Other Forms & Additional Information” to review what items they should check off on the form. Once both documents are received, the BOE will respond via email to acknowledge receipt and provide the petitions.
- Receipt for Completed Ballot Access Documents. Upon the Board receiving completed Ballot Access documents from the candidate (i.e. a nominating petition containing the legally required number of valid signatures) the BOE Official will provide the candidate with a receipt acknowledging that those documents were received by BOE.
MAYOR (§ 1-204.21. Election, qualifications, vacancy, and compensation.)
The Mayor of the District of Columbia is the head of the executive branch of the government of the District of Columbia, in the United States. The mayor has the duty to enforce district laws, and the power to either approve or veto bills passed by the Council of the District of Columbia, in the United States. The Mayor is elected to a four year term every non-presidential election year.
1-204.21(c)(1) No person shall hold the Office of Mayor unless he:
(A) Is a qualified elector;
(B) has resided and been domiciled in the District for 1 year immediately preceding the day on which the general or special election for Mayor is to be held;
(C) has not been convicted of a felony while holding the office; and
(D) is not engaged in any employment (whether as an employee or as a self-employed individual) and holds no public office or position (other than his employment in and position as Mayor), for which he is compensated in an amount in excess of his actual expenses in connection therewith, except that nothing in this clause shall be construed as prohibiting such person, while holding the Office of Mayor, from serving as a delegate or alternate delegate to a convention of a political party nominating candidates for President and Vice President of the United States, or from holding an appointment in a reserve component of an armed force of the United States other than a member serving on active duty under a call for more than 30 days.
The Mayor shall forfeit his office upon failure to maintain the qualifications required by this paragraph.
- Primary Election Minimum Signature Requirements: 2,000 signatures or 1% (whichever is less) of duly registered voters in the same party as the candidate.
- General Election Minimum Signature Requirements: 3,000 signatures or 1.5% (whichever is less) of duly registered voters.
Chairman of the Council of the District of Columbia
- Declaration of Candidacy. Form needed to “declare” yourself as a candidate for a particular office. The candidate’s name will appear on the ballot as it appears on the Declaration of Candidacy pursuant to Title 3 DCMR § 1203. The Declaration must be signed by the candidate in the presence of a notary or BOE staff. It may not be signed by anyone else. All candidates for public and party offices must file a Declaration of Candidacy in order to be issued their petitions. (Alternatively, you may print and complete the PDF Version of this form.)
- Receipt of Ballot Access Documents. Upon receiving certain Ballot Access documents from BOE (i.e. Petition Pages, Official Calendar) a candidate will be given a receipt in which they will certify having received the documents checked on the form. A candidate will also be asked to certify, to the best of their knowledge, that all information on the Petition Pages is true and correct. If the candidate (or their designee) picks up in person, this receipt can be completed while they are in the BOE office. If they choose to pick up via email, this form needs to be completed and sent to the BOE for the candidate to receive their petitions along with the Declaration of Candidacy. Candidates can review the documents outlined in the section below titled, “Other Forms & Additional Information” to review what items they should check off on the form. Once both documents are received, the BOE will respond via email to acknowledge receipt and provide the petitions.
- Receipt for Completed Ballot Access Documents. Upon the Board receiving completed Ballot Access documents from the candidate (i.e. a nominating petition containing the legally required number of valid signatures) the BOE Official will provide the candidate with a receipt acknowledging that those documents were received by BOE.
CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNCIL (§ 1-204.02. Qualifications for holding office.)
The Chairman of the Council is elected to a four-year term every non-presidential election year. No person shall hold the office of member of the Council, including the Office of Chairman, unless he:
(1) Is a qualified elector;
(2) is domiciled in the District and if he is nominated for election from a particular ward, resides in the ward from which he is nominated;
(3) has resided and been domiciled in the District for 1 year immediately preceding the day on which the general or special election for such office is to be held;
(4) has not been convicted of a felony while holding the office; and
(5) holds no public office (other than his employment in and position as a member of the Council), for which he is compensated in an amount in excess of his actual expenses in connection therewith, except that nothing in this clause shall prohibit any such person, while a member of the Council, from serving as a delegate or alternate delegate to a convention of a political party nominating candidates for President and Vice President of the United States, or from holding an appointment in a reserve component of an armed force of the United States other than a member serving on active duty under a call for more than 30 days.
A member of the Council shall forfeit his office upon failure to maintain the qualifications required by this section, and, in the case of the Chairman, § 1-204.03(c).
Chairperson of the Council
- Primary Election Minimum Signature Requirements: 2,000 signatures or 1% (whichever is less) of duly registered voters in the same party as the candidate.
- General Election Minimum Signature Requirements: 3,000 signatures or 1.5% (whichever is less) of duly registered voters.
At-large Member of the Council
- Declaration of Candidacy. Form needed to “declare” yourself as a candidate for a particular office. The candidate’s name will appear on the ballot as it appears on the Declaration of Candidacy pursuant to Title 3 DCMR § 1203. The Declaration must be signed by the candidate in the presence of a notary or BOE staff. It may not be signed by anyone else. All candidates for public and party offices must file a Declaration of Candidacy in order to be issued their petitions. (Alternatively, you may print and complete the PDF Version of this form.)
- Receipt of Ballot Access Documents. Upon receiving certain Ballot Access documents from BOE (i.e. Petition Pages, Official Calendar) a candidate will be given a receipt in which they will certify having received the documents checked on the form. A candidate will also be asked to certify, to the best of their knowledge, that all information on the Petition Pages is true and correct. If the candidate (or their designee) picks up in person, this receipt can be completed while they are in the BOE office. If they choose to pick up via email, this form needs to be completed and sent to the BOE for the candidate to receive their petitions along with the Declaration of Candidacy. Candidates can review the documents outlined in the section below titled, “Other Forms & Additional Information” to review what items they should check off on the form. Once both documents are received, the BOE will respond via email to acknowledge receipt and provide the petitions.
- Receipt for Completed Ballot Access Documents. Upon the Board receiving completed Ballot Access documents from the candidate (i.e. a nominating petition containing the legally required number of valid signatures) the BOE Official will provide the candidate with a receipt acknowledging that those documents were received by BOE.
AT-LARGE MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL (§ 1-204.02. Qualifications for holding office.)
There are four at-large members of the Council; two are elected to four year terms every presidential election year, and two are elected to four year terms every non-presidential election year. No person shall hold the office of member of the Council, including the Office of Chairman, unless he:
(1) Is a qualified elector;
(2) is domiciled in the District and if he is nominated for election from a particular ward, resides in the ward from which he is nominated;
(3) has resided and been domiciled in the District for 1 year immediately preceding the day on which the general or special election for such office is to be held;
(4) has not been convicted of a felony while holding the office; and
(5) holds no public office (other than his employment in and position as a member of the Council), for which he is compensated in an amount in excess of his actual expenses in connection therewith, except that nothing in this clause shall prohibit any such person, while a member of the Council, from serving as a delegate or alternate delegate to a convention of a political party nominating candidates for President and Vice President of the United States, or from holding an appointment in a reserve component of an armed force of the United States other than a member serving on active duty under a call for more than 30 days.
A member of the Council shall forfeit his office upon failure to maintain the qualifications required by this section, and, in the case of the Chairman, § 1-204.03(c).
At-large Members of the Council
- Primary Election Minimum Signature Requirements: 2,000 signatures or 1% (whichever is less) of duly registered voters in the same party as the candidate.
- General Election Minimum Signature Requirements: 3,000 signatures or 1.5% (whichever is less) of duly registered voters.
Ward Member of the Council
- Declaration of Candidacy. Form needed to “declare” yourself as a candidate for a particular office. The candidate’s name will appear on the ballot as it appears on the Declaration of Candidacy pursuant to Title 3 DCMR § 1203. The Declaration must be signed by the candidate in the presence of a notary or BOE staff. It may not be signed by anyone else. All candidates for public and party offices must file a Declaration of Candidacy in order to be issued their petitions. (Alternatively, you may print and complete the PDF Version of this form.)
- Receipt of Ballot Access Documents. Upon receiving certain Ballot Access documents from BOE (i.e. Petition Pages, Official Calendar) a candidate will be given a receipt in which they will certify having received the documents checked on the form. A candidate will also be asked to certify, to the best of their knowledge, that all information on the Petition Pages is true and correct. If the candidate (or their designee) picks up in person, this receipt can be completed while they are in the BOE office. If they choose to pick up via email, this form needs to be completed and sent to the BOE for the candidate to receive their petitions along with the Declaration of Candidacy. Candidates can review the documents outlined in the section below titled, “Other Forms & Additional Information” to review what items they should check off on the form. Once both documents are received, the BOE will respond via email to acknowledge receipt and provide the petitions.
- Receipt for Completed Ballot Access Documents. Upon the Board receiving completed Ballot Access documents from the candidate (i.e. a nominating petition containing the legally required number of valid signatures) the BOE Official will provide the candidate with a receipt acknowledging that those documents were received by BOE.
WARD MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL (§ 1-204.02. Qualifications for holding office.)
Councilmembers for Wards 2, 4, 7, and 8 are elected to four year terms every presidential election year, and Councilmembers for Wards 1, 3, 5, and 6 are elected to four year terms every non-presidential election year. No person shall hold the office of member of the Council, including the Office of Chairman, unless he:
(1) Is a qualified elector;
(2) is domiciled in the District and if he is nominated for election from a particular ward, resides in the ward from which he is nominated;
(3) has resided and been domiciled in the District for 1 year immediately preceding the day on which the general or special election for such office is to be held;
(4) has not been convicted of a felony while holding the office; and
(5) holds no public office (other than his employment in and position as a member of the Council), for which he is compensated in an amount in excess of his actual expenses in connection therewith, except that nothing in this clause shall prohibit any such person, while a member of the Council, from serving as a delegate or alternate delegate to a convention of a political party nominating candidates for President and Vice President of the United States, or from holding an appointment in a reserve component of an armed force of the United States other than a member serving on active duty under a call for more than 30 days.
A member of the Council shall forfeit his office upon failure to maintain the qualifications required by this section, and, in the case of the Chairman, § 1-204.03(c).
Ward Members of the Council
- Primary Election Minimum Signature Requirements: 250 signatures or 1% (whichever is less) of duly registered voters in the same party and residing in the same ward as the candidate.
- General Election Minimum Signature Requirements: 500 signatures of duly registered voters who reside in the same ward as the candidate.
Attorney General for the District of Columbia
- Declaration of Candidacy. Form needed to “declare” yourself as a candidate for a particular office. The candidate’s name will appear on the ballot as it appears on the Declaration of Candidacy pursuant to Title 3 DCMR § 1203. The Declaration must be signed by the candidate in the presence of a notary or BOE staff. It may not be signed by anyone else. All candidates for public and party offices must file a Declaration of Candidacy in order to be issued their petitions. (Alternatively, you may print and complete the PDF Version of this form.)
- Receipt of Ballot Access Documents. Upon receiving certain Ballot Access documents from BOE (i.e. Petition Pages, Official Calendar) a candidate will be given a receipt in which they will certify having received the documents checked on the form. A candidate will also be asked to certify, to the best of their knowledge, that all information on the Petition Pages is true and correct. If the candidate (or their designee) picks up in person, this receipt can be completed while they are in the BOE office. If they choose to pick up via email, this form needs to be completed and sent to the BOE for the candidate to receive their petitions along with the Declaration of Candidacy. Candidates can review the documents outlined in the section below titled, “Other Forms & Additional Information” to review what items they should check off on the form. Once both documents are received, the BOE will respond via email to acknowledge receipt and provide the petitions.
- Receipt for Completed Ballot Access Documents. Upon the Board receiving completed Ballot Access documents from the candidate (i.e. a nominating petition containing the legally required number of valid signatures) the BOE Official will provide the candidate with a receipt acknowledging that those documents were received by BOE.
ATTORNEY GENERAL (§ 1-301.83. Minimum qualifications and requirements for Attorney General.)
The Attorney General for the District of Columbia shall have charge and conduct of all laws business of the District and all suits instituted by and against the government thereof, and shall possess all powers afforded the Attorney General by the common and statutory law of the District and shall be responsibilities for upholding the public interest. The Attorney General is elected to a four-year term every non-presidential election year.
(a) No person shall hold the position of Attorney General for the District of Columbia unless that person:
(1) Is a registered qualified elector as defined in § 1-1001.02(20);
(2) Is a bona fide resident of the District of Columbia;
(3) Is a member in good standing of the bar of the District of Columbia;
(4) Has been a member in good standing of the bar of the District of Columbia for at least 5 years prior to assuming the position of Attorney General; and
(5) Has been actively engaged, for at least 5 of the 10 years immediately preceding the assumption of the position of Attorney General, as:
(A) An attorney in the practice of law in the District of Columbia;
(B) A judge of a court in the District of Columbia;
(C) A professor of law in a law school in the District of Columbia; or
(D) An attorney employed in the District of Columbia by the United States or the District of Columbia.
(b) The Attorney General shall devote full-time to the duties of the office and shall not engage in the private practice of law and shall not perform any other duties while in office that are inconsistent with the duties and responsibilities of Attorney General.
- Primary Election Minimum Signature Requirements: 2,000 signatures or 1% (whichever is less) of duly registered voters in the same party as the candidate.
- General Election Minimum Signature Requirements: 3,000 signatures or 1.5% (whichever is less) of duly registered voters.
United States Senator
- Declaration of Candidacy. Form needed to “declare” yourself as a candidate for a particular office. The candidate’s name will appear on the ballot as it appears on the Declaration of Candidacy pursuant to Title 3 DCMR § 1203. The Declaration must be signed by the candidate in the presence of a notary or BOE staff. It may not be signed by anyone else. All candidates for public and party offices must file a Declaration of Candidacy in order to be issued their petitions. (Alternatively, you may print and complete the PDF Version of this form.)
- Receipt of Ballot Access Documents. Upon receiving certain Ballot Access documents from BOE (i.e. Petition Pages, Official Calendar) a candidate will be given a receipt in which they will certify having received the documents checked on the form. A candidate will also be asked to certify, to the best of their knowledge, that all information on the Petition Pages is true and correct. If the candidate (or their designee) picks up in person, this receipt can be completed while they are in the BOE office. If they choose to pick up via email, this form needs to be completed and sent to the BOE for the candidate to receive their petitions along with the Declaration of Candidacy. Candidates can review the documents outlined in the section below titled, “Other Forms & Additional Information” to review what items they should check off on the form. Once both documents are received, the BOE will respond via email to acknowledge receipt and provide the petitions.
- Receipt for Completed Ballot Access Documents. Upon the Board receiving completed Ballot Access documents from the candidate (i.e. a nominating petition containing the legally required number of valid signatures) the BOE Official will provide the candidate with a receipt acknowledging that those documents were received by BOE.
United States Senator (§ 1–123. Call of convention; duties of convention; adoption of constitution; rejection of constitution; election of Senator and Representative)
(d)(2) The qualifications for candidates for the offices of Senator and Representative shall conform with the provisions of Article I of the United States Constitution and the primary and general elections shall follow the same electoral procedures as provided for candidates for nonvoting Delegate of the District of Columbia in the District of Columbia Election Code of 1955.
Accordingly, no person shall be a Senator in the District of Columbia unless they:
- Are at least 30 years of age.
- Have been a citizen of the United States for at least nine years.
- Are a resident of the District of Columbia on the date of the general or special election.
Primary Election Minimum Signature Requirements: 2,000 signatures or 1% (whichever is less) of duly registered voters in the same party as the candidate.
General Election Minimum Signature Requirements: 3,000 signatures or 1.5% (whichever is less) of duly registered voters.
Note: Must be a US Citizen to run for and hold this office (§ 1-1001.02(2)(B), (34)).
United States Representative
- Declaration of Candidacy. Form needed to “declare” yourself as a candidate for a particular office. The candidate’s name will appear on the ballot as it appears on the Declaration of Candidacy pursuant to Title 3 DCMR § 1203. The Declaration must be signed by the candidate in the presence of a notary or BOE staff. It may not be signed by anyone else. All candidates for public and party offices must file a Declaration of Candidacy in order to be issued their petitions. (Alternatively, you may print and complete the PDF Version of this form.)
- Receipt of Ballot Access Documents. Upon receiving certain Ballot Access documents from BOE (i.e. Petition Pages, Official Calendar) a candidate will be given a receipt in which they will certify having received the documents checked on the form. A candidate will also be asked to certify, to the best of their knowledge, that all information on the Petition Pages is true and correct. If the candidate (or their designee) picks up in person, this receipt can be completed while they are in the BOE office. If they choose to pick up via email, this form needs to be completed and sent to the BOE for the candidate to receive their petitions along with the Declaration of Candidacy. Candidates can review the documents outlined in the section below titled, “Other Forms & Additional Information” to review what items they should check off on the form. Once both documents are received, the BOE will respond via email to acknowledge receipt and provide the petitions.
- Receipt for Completed Ballot Access Documents. Upon the Board receiving completed Ballot Access documents from the candidate (i.e. a nominating petition containing the legally required number of valid signatures) the BOE Official will provide the candidate with a receipt acknowledging that those documents were received by BOE.
United States Representative (§ 1–123. Call of convention; duties of convention; adoption of constitution; rejection of constitution; election of Senator and Representative)
(d)(2) The qualifications for candidates for the offices of Senator and Representative shall conform with the provisions of Article I of the United States Constitution and the primary and general elections shall follow the same electoral procedures as provided for candidates for nonvoting Delegate of the District of Columbia in the District of Columbia Election Code of 1955[.].
Accordingly, no person shall be a Representative in the District of Columbia unless they:
- Are at least 25 years of age.
- Have been a citizen of the United States for at least seven years.
- Are a resident of the District of Columbia on the date of the general or special election.
Primary Election Minimum Signature Requirements: 2,000 signatures or 1% (whichever is less) of duly registered voters in the same party as the candidate.
General Election Minimum Signature Requirements: 3,000 signatures or 1.5% (whichever is less) of duly registered voters.
Note: Must be a US Citizen to run for and hold this office (§ 1-1001.02(2)(B), (34)).
At-large Member of the Board of Education
- Declaration of Candidacy. Form needed to “declare” yourself as a candidate for a particular office. The candidate’s name will appear on the ballot as it appears on the Declaration of Candidacy pursuant to Title 3 DCMR § 1203. The Declaration must be signed by the candidate in the presence of a notary or BOE staff. It may not be signed by anyone else. All candidates for public and party offices must file a Declaration of Candidacy in order to be issued their petitions. (Alternatively, you may print and complete the PDF Version of this form.)
- Receipt of Ballot Access Documents. Upon receiving certain Ballot Access documents from BOE (i.e. Petition Pages, Official Calendar) a candidate will be given a receipt in which they will certify having received the documents checked on the form. A candidate will also be asked to certify, to the best of their knowledge, that all information on the Petition Pages is true and correct. If the candidate (or their designee) picks up in person, this receipt can be completed while they are in the BOE office. If they choose to pick up via email, this form needs to be completed and sent to the BOE for the candidate to receive their petitions along with the Declaration of Candidacy. Candidates can review the documents outlined in the section below titled, “Other Forms & Additional Information” to review what items they should check off on the form. Once both documents are received, the BOE will respond via email to acknowledge receipt and provide the petitions.
- Receipt for Completed Ballot Access Documents. Upon the Board receiving completed Ballot Access documents from the candidate (i.e. a nominating petition containing the legally required number of valid signatures) the BOE Official will provide the candidate with a receipt acknowledging that those documents were received by BOE.
STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION (§ 38-2651. State Board of Education; establishment; membership.)
The State Board of Education (SBOE) is responsible for advising the State Superintendent of Education on educational matters, including: state standards; state policies, including those governing special, academic, vocational, charter and other schools; state objectives; and state regulations proposed by the Mayor or the State Superintendent of Education. The At-large Member of the SBOE and Members for Wards 2, 4, 7, and 8 are elected to four year terms every presidential election year, and Members for Wards 1, 3, 5, and 6 are elected to four year terms every non-presidential election year.
(e)(1) Each member of the Board, including the at-large member, shall:
(A) Be a qualified elector, as that term is defined in § 1-1001.02, and, except for the at-large member, reside within the school election ward he or she represents;
(B) Satisfy the residency requirement set forth in § 1-1001.08(b);
(C) Not hold another elective office, other than as an official of a political party, as described in § 1-1001.01(1) through (4); and
(D) Not be an officer or employee of:
(i) The Board; or
(ii) With the exception of employees of the District of Columbia Public Schools, the District of Columbia government.
(2) A member shall forfeit his or her office upon failure to maintain the requirements of this subsection.
At-large Member of the State Board of Education
- General Election Minimum Signature Requirements: 1000 signatures of duly registered voters.
Ward Member of the State Board of Education
- Declaration of Candidacy. Form needed to “declare” yourself as a candidate for a particular office. The candidate’s name will appear on the ballot as it appears on the Declaration of Candidacy pursuant to Title 3 DCMR § 1203. The Declaration must be signed by the candidate in the presence of a notary or BOE staff. It may not be signed by anyone else. All candidates for public and party offices must file a Declaration of Candidacy in order to be issued their petitions. (Alternatively, you may print and complete the PDF Version of this form.)
- Receipt of Ballot Access Documents. Upon receiving certain Ballot Access documents from BOE (i.e. Petition Pages, Official Calendar) a candidate will be given a receipt in which they will certify having received the documents checked on the form. A candidate will also be asked to certify, to the best of their knowledge, that all information on the Petition Pages is true and correct. If the candidate (or their designee) picks up in person, this receipt can be completed while they are in the BOE office. If they choose to pick up via email, this form needs to be completed and sent to the BOE for the candidate to receive their petitions along with the Declaration of Candidacy. Candidates can review the documents outlined in the section below titled, “Other Forms & Additional Information” to review what items they should check off on the form. Once both documents are received, the BOE will respond via email to acknowledge receipt and provide the petitions.
- Receipt for Completed Ballot Access Documents. Upon the Board receiving completed Ballot Access documents from the candidate (i.e. a nominating petition containing the legally required number of valid signatures) the BOE Official will provide the candidate with a receipt acknowledging that those documents were received by BOE.
STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION (§ 38-2651. State Board of Education; establishment; membership.)
The State Board of Education (SBOE) is responsible for advising the State Superintendent of Education on educational matters, including: state standards; state policies, including those governing special, academic, vocational, charter and other schools; state objectives; and state regulations proposed by the Mayor or the State Superintendent of Education. The At-large Member of the SBOE and Members for Wards 2, 4, 7, and 8 are elected to four year terms every presidential election year, and Members for Wards 1, 3, 5, and 6 are elected to four year terms every non-presidential election year.
(e)(1) Each member of the Board, including the at-large member, shall:
(A) Be a qualified elector, as that term is defined in § 1-1001.02, and, except for the at-large member, reside within the school election ward he or she represents;
(B) Satisfy the residency requirement set forth in § 1-1001.08(b);
(C) Not hold another elective office, other than as an official of a political party, as described in § 1-1001.01(1) through (4); and
(D) Not be an officer or employee of:
(i) The Board; or
(ii) With the exception of employees of the District of Columbia Public Schools, the District of Columbia government.
(2) A member shall forfeit his or her office upon failure to maintain the requirements of this subsection.
Ward Member of the State Board of Education
- General Election Minimum Signature Requirements: 200 signatures of duly registered voters in the same ward as the candidate.
Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner
- Declaration of Candidacy. Form needed to “declare” yourself as a candidate for a particular office. The candidate’s name will appear on the ballot as it appears on the Declaration of Candidacy pursuant to Title 3 DCMR § 1203. The Declaration must be signed by the candidate in the presence of a notary or BOE staff. It may not be signed by anyone else. All candidates for public and party offices must file a Declaration of Candidacy in order to be issued their petitions. (Alternatively, you may print and complete the PDF Version of this form.)
- Receipt of Ballot Access Documents: Upon receiving certain Ballot Access documents from BOE (i.e. Petition Pages, Official Calendar) a candidate will be given a receipt in which they will certify having received the documents checked on the form. A candidate will also be asked to certify, to the best of their knowledge, that all information on the Petition Pages is true and correct. If the candidate (or their designee) picks up in person, this receipt can be completed while they are in the BOE office. If they choose to pick up via email, this form needs to be completed and sent to the BOE for the candidate to receive their petitions along with the Declaration of Candidacy. Candidates can access this secure link to review what items they should check off on the form. Once both documents are received, the BOE will respond via email to acknowledge receipt and provide the petitions.
- Receipt for Completed Ballot Access Documents. Upon the Board receiving completed Ballot Access documents from the candidate (i.e. a nominating petition containing the legally required number of valid signatures) the BOE Official will provide the candidate with a receipt acknowledging that those documents were received by BOE.
ADVISORY NEIGHBORHOOD COMMISSIONER (§ 1-309.05. Advisory Neighborhood Commissions -- Qualifications of members; nomination by petition.)
Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners advise the District government on matters of public policy including decisions regarding planning, streets, recreation, social services programs, health, safety, and sanitation in their respective neighborhood commission areas. Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners are elected to two year terms every election year.
(a)(1) No person shall be a member of an Advisory Neighborhood Commission unless the person:
(A) Is a registered qualified elector actually residing in the single-member district from which the person was elected;
(B) Has been residing in such district continuously for the 60 days immediately preceding the day on which the person files the nominating petitions as a candidate as such a member;
(C) Holds no other elected public office; and
(D) With the exception of a member representing the single-member district that includes the Central Detention Facility and Correctional Treatment Facility, has not been convicted of a felony committed while serving as a Commissioner.
(2) For the purpose of this subsection, the term “elected public office” means the offices of Mayor, Chairman or member of the Council, member of the State Board of Education, and the Delegate to the House of Representatives.
Minimum Signature Requirements: 25 signatures of duly registered voters who reside in the same Single Member District as the candidate.
National and Local Party Committee Members
- Declaration of Candidacy. Form needed to “declare” yourself as a candidate for a particular office. The candidate’s name will appear on the ballot as it appears on the Declaration of Candidacy pursuant to Title 3 DCMR § 1203. The Declaration must be signed by the candidate in the presence of a notary or BOE staff. It may not be signed by anyone else. All candidates for public and party offices must file a Declaration of Candidacy in order to be issued their petitions. (Alternatively, you may print and complete thePDF Versionof this form.)
- Receipt of Ballot Access Documents. Upon receiving certain Ballot Access documents from BOE (i.e. Petition Pages, Official Calendar) a candidate will be given a receipt in which they will certify having received the documents checked on the form. A candidate will also be asked to certify, to the best of their knowledge, that all information on the Petition Pages is true and correct. If the candidate (or their designee) picks up in person, this receipt can be completed while they are in the BOE office. If they choose to pick up via email, this form needs to be completed and sent to the BOE for the candidate to receive their petitions along with the Declaration of Candidacy. Candidates can review the documents outlined in the section below titled, “Other Forms & Additional Information” to review what items they should check off on the form. Once both documents are received, the BOE will respond via email to acknowledge receipt and provide the petitions.
- Receipt for Completed Ballot Access Documents. Upon the Board receiving completed Ballot Access documents from the candidate (i.e. a nominating petition containing the legally required number of valid signatures) the BOE Official will provide the candidate with a receipt acknowledging that those documents were received by BOE.
These offices are elected during Primary Elections as outlined by the major parties in plans submitted to the Board.
Per plans submitted by the major parties pursuant to D.C. Official Code § 1-1001.08(l)(1), BOE will not conduct elections for national and/or local committee party committee members on behalf of the DC Democratic or DC Statehood Green parties.
The DC Republican Committee (DCRC) will elect national and local committee party members in the June 4, 2024 Primary Election. Their plan outlines the following:
National Committeeman (one, elected at-large) and National Committeewoman (one, elected at-large)
- Any candidate seeking to serve as DC Republican National Committeeman or Committeewoman must be a registered Republican residing in the District of Columbia at the time of election, continuously since filing of petitions, and for at least 2 years prior to such filing.
- Primary Election Minimum Signature Requirements: 500 or 1% (whichever is less) of the total number of registered qualified electors in the same political party as the candidate [D.C. Official Code § 1-1001.08(a)(1)(A); 3 DCMR § 1703.1]
DCRC Ward Chairman for each of the eight Wards (eight, each elected by their respective Wards)
- Any candidate seeking to serve as DCRC Ward Chairman must be a registered Republican residing in the District of Columbia at the time of election, continuously since filing of petitions.
- Primary Election Minimum Signature Requirements: 100 or 1% (whichever is less) of the total number of registered qualified electors who reside in the same ward from which the candidate seeks election who are of the same political party as the candidate [D.C. Official Code § 1-1001.08(a)(2); 3 DCMR § 1703.3]
Note the additional item as outlined in the DCRC Plan:
- Write-In Candidates: Write-in candidates are not permitted for the party offices of National Committeeman and National Committeewoman, in accordance with 3 DCMR 1708.1.
Other Forms & Additional Information
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When candidates pick up their nominating petitions, they complete the required forms (as outlined above) and are issued a packet containing the following documents:
- CIRCULATING AND FILING NOMINATING PETITIONS All candidates are responsible for following the processes and requirements for circulating and filing their nominating petitions. In addition, candidates are also responsible for ensuring that each individual who circulates nominating petitions on their behalf complies with all pertinent rules and regulations regarding petition circulation.
- PETITION CIRCULATION TRAINING SCHEDULE The virtual training schedule for candidates, proponents of ballot measures, and petition circulators.
- LIST OF ELECTED OFFICES IN DC (W/ SIGNATURE REQUIREMENT) Outlined above in each of the different candidate sections.
- 2024 GENERAL ELECTION SIGNATURE REQUIREMENTS Pursuant to D.C. Official Code § 1- 1001.08 (j), the signature requirements for candidates who are seeking direct ballot access to appear on the ballot in the November 5, 2024 General Election are listed in this document.
- ELECTION CALENDAR Visit our 2024 Elections page for the most up-to-date Primary and General Election calendars.
- NON-RESIDENT PETITION CIRCULATOR FORM Non-residents may circulate nominating petitions in the District of Columbia. However, prior to circulating petitions, each non-resident must register with the Board by completing and signing this form and submitting it in person to the Board along with valid proof of residence that contains their name and address. Any signatures collected by a non-resident circulator who has failed to register with the Board before circulating petitions are invalid under law.
- SIGNATURE ATTESTATION FORM Any person who is assisting a voter who is unable to independently sign an election document due to illness, injury, or disability must complete this form. You may not assist the voter if you are their employer or an officer or agent of their union.
- AGENT AFFIDAVIT: AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE AND FILE BALLOT ACCESS DOCUMENTS AND MATERIALS If a candidate would prefer to have an authorized agent receive and/or file their ballot access documents and materials, including their nominating petition and Declaration of Candidacy, they must notify the Board, in writing, using this form.
- RECEIPT FOR COMPLETED BALLOT ACCESS DOCUMENTS Upon the Board receiving completed Ballot Access documents from the candidate (i.e. a nominating petition containing the legally required number of valid signatures the BOE Official will provide the candidate with a receipt acknowledging that those documents were received by BOE.
- CAMPAIGN POSTER REGULATIONS An overview on the regulations pertaining to campaign posters.
- DATA REQUEST FORM Please use this form to request voter registration data, maps or petition signatures. (Alternatively, you may print and complete the PDF Version of this form.)
- CANDIDATE BALLOT ACCESS PROCESS A flow chart that provides a high-level overview of the candidate ballot access process.
To see the pick-up / filing processes for ANC vacancies please review the ANC page.
General Election candidates for the applicable partisan contests and the nonpartisan State Board of Education contests can pick up their nominating petitions beginning Friday, June 14, 2024. For the nonpartisan ANC contests, the qualifying period opens Monday, July 1, 2024. Candidates can pick up their nominating petitions during regular business hours in one of the following ways:
- By email to [email protected]
- By mail or in-person:
D.C. Board of Elections
1015 Half Street, SE, Suite 750
Washington, DC 20003-4733
Appointments can be reserved for the first 2 weeks of candidate pick-up by emailing [email protected] or calling 202-727-2525.
To pick-up petitions – either through email or in-person – the Declaration of Candidacy and the Receipt of Ballot Access Documents both need to be completed and submitted.
All nominating petitions must be filed in-person at the Board along with a Receipt for Completed Ballot Access Documents by Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.
- AFFIRMATION OF WRITE-IN CANDIDACY FORM A Write-In Candidate is someone whose printed name does not appear on the ballot, but whose name was written in by voters. Write-In votes are counted equally as if the person was formally listed on the ballot. If a Write-In Candidate wishes to declare their candidacy, similar to a Candidate’s Declaration of Candidacy, a Write-in Candidate must file an Affirmation of Write-In Candidacy. This form must be filed with the Board on or before the third day after a Primary Election, or on or before the seventh day after a General or Special Election.
- CANDIDATE WITHDRAWAL FORM Used to withdraw as a candidate. If this form is submitted after the 54th day before the day of the election, the candidate’s name may still appear on the official ballot.
- SLATE REGISTRATION FORM A slate is a group of candidates that run in a multi-seat election on a common platform. The common platform may be because the candidates are all members of a political party, have the same policies or some other reason. Any group that wishes to run as a slate, must provide the Board with the candidates’ names and signatures on this form, which states that they agree to join together as a slate for the Primary Election.
- SLATE AMENDMENT FORM Used in a Primary Election when a slate has an update or change to their original submission.
- STATEMENT OF SLATE WITHDRAWAL FORM Used in a Primary Election when candidates withdraw from a slate that they originally joined. If this form is submitted after the 54th day before the day of the election, the candidate’s name may still appear on the official ballot.
Poll Watchers and Election Observers
Public Notice - Denial of Observer Credentials - Centro
Any person wishing to observe the administration of the election at the Vote Center or at a counting location may petition the Board for credentials as an Election Observer or Poll Watcher. Petitions for credentials should be submitted to the Board by the deadline outlined in the pertinent election calendar. For more information regarding poll watchers and election observers, please review the following documents:
- Guidelines for Poll Watchers & Election Observers
- Title 3 DCMR 706 - Poll Watchers and Election Observers
Please contact us at 202-727-2525 or [email protected] with any questions. If you would like to request a reasonable accommodation or review any documents in an alternative format, please contact the Board’s Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator at (202) 727-5411.
For the latest information, see the Newsroom or follow us on Twitter or Facebook.