Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Accessible Voting And Language Access

I have a disability. Can I still register to vote?

I have a cognitive disability. Are there any restrictions on my right to vote in the District of Columbia?

Do you have an Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Coordinator on staff to assist and answer questions from voters with disabilities?

What programs and services does the Board provide to senior citizens, voters with disabilities, and limited or non-English proficient voters?

Do I have to vote in person?

Are Vote Center locations accessible? What if I need a reasonable accommodation?

Will I be allowed to bring my service animal inside the Vote Center?

Is there someone who can help me if I do not know what to do once I am at the Vote Center? Can my spouse/partner/child/friend/neighbor help me inside the voting booth?

Are your voting machines accessible?

Can I change my vote choice(s) before I cast my vote?

What should I do if someone pressures me to vote for a particular candidate?

May I move to the front of the line at a Vote Center if my disability requires it?

Can I vote if I live in a nursing home, hospital, or other facility?

Is there a way for me to vote if I experience a health crisis shortly before an election?

Can I be an Election Worker if I have a disability?

Can I participate in Board Meetings and Hearings if I am physically unable to attend?

English is not my first language. Are interpreters available at the polling place?