Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Early Voting and Election Day

Where and when do I vote in DC?

I returned my mail ballot/Absentee Ballot using USPS or a Mail Ballot Drop Box. How do I know if it was received and counted?

I received a letter informing me of an issue with my voted mail ballot. What is “curing” a ballot? What do I do?

Do I have to vote at a specific location based on my home address?

I received my ballot in the mail, but I would prefer to vote in person. What do I do with my mail-in ballot?

I did not receive a mail ballot. What should I do?

Can I request an Absentee Ballot?

Can I get another Absentee Ballot if I lose the original?

How do I get on the “Permanent Absentee Voter” list?

Can I take a Sample Ballot or notes inside the voting booth with me?

Is there someone who can help me if I do not know what to do once I am at the Vote Center? Can my spouse/partner/child/friend/neighbor help me inside the voting booth?

English is not my first language. Are interpreters available at the Vote Centers?

Will I need to present ID or proof of residence when voting in person?

Can I vote for someone who is not on the ballot?

What should I do if I make a mistake on my ballot?

What is a Special Ballot (also known as a Provisional Ballot), and why would someone need to vote by Special Ballot?

I had to vote a Special Ballot (also known as a Provisional Ballot). How do I find out whether it was counted? Will it be counted even if it doesn’t change to outcome of the election?